Angela Yost
Children's Ministry Specialist
Angela Yost grew up in Whatcom County in a Christian home, with amazing parents, two younger sisters, and received Christ at age 4. By God’s grace, while reading Psalm 51 with family, Lord used this passage to convict her of sin and her need for Jesus as Savior and Lord. As she grew older, she enjoyed caring for children, and so started helping with Good News Club® at 14yrs. This led to attending Christian Youth in Action® (CEF's teen training school) that next year. The Lord used CYIA™ to give her a passion to reach/disciple the over 40,000 children in Whatcom County, and she eventually came on staff in 2016.
In her free time, Angela enjoys hiking, music, and loves coffee and candles. She is excited and humbled to be a small part of following the divine command to “make disciples” (Matt 28:19) through this ministry!